A Fractional CMO could be what your business needs

The CMO, or Chief Marketing Officer, is the least well known member of the exclusive club we call the C Suite. Other than the big dog (CEO), you come across plenty of COOs and CFOs, but not as many CMOs. 

But for businesses wanting to grow in size, revenue and reputation, having a senior marketer providing high level expertise and guidance could be exactly what you need.

(Before we get into it, can we talk about how this CFO got lumped with managing all of Dunder Miflin’s regional branches?!) 👇

[David Wallace, CFO of Dunder Miflin from The Office]

The CMO is the most senior marketing leadership position in a company. It’s someone with years of experience, commercial nous and creative leadership who takes responsibility for revenue, growth and content across the organisation. 

You can rely on your CMO to:

  • Provide expert marketing leadership and a clear pathway to growth

  • Enhance everything you do with impactful communications and storytelling

  • Define & professionalise your positioning, message and voice

  • Shape product & service design with customer-led insights

  • Build and execute a program to bring the right people through the door, then retain them

  • Be accountable through in-depth analysis and reporting 

So, does your company need a CMO?

If you’re ready to charge down the growth path, then yes — you defintely do.

But, it’s entirely possible that your business may not be quite ready for a CMO, both in terms of structure and the salary that comes with such a senior position. 

That’s where a Fractional CMO can come in and solve all your problems. 

The Fractional CMO is an emerging concept where you gain access to a seasoned marketing pro, providing high-level strategy and guidance, but without the hefty price tag and commitment of a full-time executive. A Fractional CMO might be with you 2-3 days per week, guiding your marketing program on a needs basis. Given it’s not a full time engagement, it might end up costing the business less than employing a marketing coordinator with significantly less experience. 

Would you prefer to have a senior pro on your team, who can oversee the whole program and delegate or automate some of the time consuming tasks, or a junior trying to manage it all while the leadership have to stay across the detail?

There’s no right or wrong, but both are options to consider when looking to press GO on your marketing and growth. 

Pigface Marketing can provide Fractional CMO services for your business. If this sounds like it might work, please get in touch. 


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